About me

Hello visitor

My name is Andrej Buday, I am freelancing web developer and passionate traveler. I have decided to create taftips.com to share my passion and knowledge about traveling.

I live in Europe and Europe is very interesting place. In single day you can have breakfast in one country capital (e.g. Hungary – Budapest), taking lunch in another (e.g. Bratislava – Slovakia) and enjoying dinner in different one (e.g. Vienna – Austria). And all that by having a plenty of time for visiting attractions and nice views. On the other hand you in single day you visit different countries, where different language, lows, cultural norms and currency apply.

Personal history

I had been lucky to born into the start of peaceful time in Europe. I’ve born into Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, former republic connecting current Czech rep. and Slovakia. Fortunately my parents were opened to new cultures and since childhood I was traveling across Europe with them.

During my universities studies I took part in study exchange program Erasmus in Netherlands. In that time I traveled whole Benelux and West Germany. I used to live literally on the crossroad of 3 states (Austria, Hungary, Slovakia) in Bratislava. and I know their capital cities as palms of my own hands.

Between 2015 and 2016 I have been living a year in Germany where I was working as volunteer. I worked for an organisation administrating hotel.


What is this site?

First of all this site is here to help others to travel between different points in Europe. If you travel from airport to city or between cities, this is the place where you will get all good guides for transport. You can find many individual sources focusing only on certain type of transport or operator. But I want to write complete guides for you with meaningful tips.

When I travel I always search for the cheapest and most comfortable routes. So if you travel on budget, this site is right place for you. I traveled a lot and I know how to do it comfortably and cheap.

There’s a lot of work involved in keeping the site up to date. If you have any feedback or suggestions to make about the site, please contact me. I will be glad to hear from you!

History of site

  • 2016.08.27 – Cancelling howtogetfrom.net website and transferring all content under taftips.com.
  • 2016.08.23 – taftips.com domain registered.
  • 2015.03.17 – Establishing blog howtogetfrom.net . Domain and hosting purchased.

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